Washington State University
Speech and Hearing Sciences – 3.8 GPA
Candidate for MS in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Brigham Young University
Communication Disorders – 3.51 GPA
BS in Communication Disorders
Mity Lite, Inc.
Logistics Management
Orem, Utah
Proactive customer service: answered customer questions
Provided 100+ freight quotes daily for customers and sales reps
Processed international documents for all incoming and outgoing shipments
Various office duties: managed user database, completed projects in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship
Provo, Utah
Proactive customer service: answered phones and customer questions at reception desk
Processed orders, sent out new customer packets
Bookkeeping: sent out invoices and sales receipts
Various office duties: managed user database, completed projects in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
Banbury Corner Daycare
Port Angeles, WA
Provided childcare to children ages 4 weeks to 12 years
Instructed preschool-age children, organized daily schedules
Assisted in cooking meals and snacks daily for over 40 children
Sales Associate
Sequim, WA
Took on various projects maintaining organization and order throughout the store
Provided proactive customer service
Often filled in when needed: operated cash register, restocked shelves, etc.
Assisted in general upkeep of store: cleaned bathrooms, swept floor, etc.
Sawtooth Software
Administrative Assistant
Sequim, WA
Filed documents, updated user directory, created new user account folders
Bookkeeping: managed accounts receivable, sent out invoices and sales receipts
Answered phones and routed calls at reception desk
Office cleaning and upkeep: vacuumed, dusted, cleaned bathrooms, etc.
Central Valley School District
Full-time Student Clinician
Spokane, Washington
Planned and provided therapy for more than 40 children, ranging from Pre-K through 5th grade in three different elementary schools in the Central Valley School District
Administered a variety of standardized assessments and worked with team members to determine eligibility in special education services
Wrote daily therapy notes, evaluation reports, and Individualized Education Plans
Conducted IEP meetings, parent/teacher conferences, and team evaluation meetings
Led discussion and activities in social skills groups with five or more children at a time
Borah Elementary School
Student Clinician
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Planned and provided therapy for more than 30 children, ranging from Pre-K through 5th grade
Administered standardized assessments to determine eligibility in special education services
Wrote assessment reports, daily therapy notes, and assisted in writing Individualized Education Plans
Participated in Individualized Education Plan meetings for multiple students
Idaho State Infant Toddler Program
Student Clinician
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Planned and provided in-home therapy for more than 20 children from birth-three years old
Administered standardized assessments to determine eligibility for the ITP Program
Participated in Individualized Family Service Plan meetings and weekly team meetings to discuss continued care of clients
Wrote assessment reports and daily therapy notes
Hearing Oral Program of Excellence
Student Clinician
Spokane, WA
Planned and provided biweekly therapy sessions for two preschool age children in the HOPE Program
Coordinated therapy activities and targets with the children’s other therapist
Wrote lesson plans, progress reports, assessment reports, and daily therapy notes
Planned and implemented weekly literacy activities for all eight preschoolers
Directed a parent-teacher conference to talk about a child’s progress in therapy
Tremble Clefs
Student Clinician
Spokane, WA
Planned and implemented weekly vocal exercises for approximately 20 adults with hypokinetic dysarthria
Helped prepare for and participate in Tremble Clef performances
UPCD Clinic
Student Clinician
Spokane, WA
Planned and implemented weekly articulation therapy for a child
Planned and implemented biweekly accent modification therapy for an adult
Wrote lesson plans, progress reports, assessment reports, and daily therapy notes for each client
Administered hearing screenings for grades K-8 at the Newport School District
Spokane, Washington
Participated in community walks for Childhood Apraxia of Speech and ALS
Taught monthly seminars for 30+ women
Participated on a regional panel for planning and implementing monthly events with 50+ people in attendance
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Missionary
Porto Alegre, Brazil
– July 2013 – Dec 2014
Spent six weeks learning Portuguese in an intensive program
Consistently worked 10-12 hours per day
Taught weekly English classes
Provided training to other missionaries
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Member of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
Member of BYU’s German Club
Volunteer for Adaptive Aquatics, helping children with disabilities